Health and Safety Industrial Hygiene

SMG can test for asbestos, mold and lead paint – and can help if we find a contaminant. We are knowledgeable about combustible dust, chemical exposures and subsurface vapor intrusion. We also train, perform personnel monitoring and advise on matters for OSHA and other safety programs.




As part of its ongoing risk management plan, a Fortune 100 international company located overseas needed asbestos inspections conducted at several of its U.S. facilities.


SMG conducted assessments for 15-20 facilities throughout the United States and provided summary reports for each facility. The investigations included site assessments, physical sampling, state-by-state regulatory review and recommendations with regard to managing or abating identified asbestos-containing materials as well as each facility’s overall compliance status.


SMG gave the company a clear plan to address its physical facilities. By presenting the information in a uniform way, SMG helped the company reduce its exposure to asbestos liability and litigation and improved the approach to the health and safety of the individual employees working within the facilities.

2/Combustible Dust



A large waste water treatment facility uses treated sludge to produce a dried and pelletized bio-solid product for use as a commercial fertilizer. The facility required assistance in dealing with the presence and generation of combustible dust during production.


In order to reduce the risk involved with fugitive emissions and years of dust accumulation, SMG provided an engineering assessment and recommendations for reducing fugitive emissions from process equipment. In addition, SMG designed and contracted the removal of dust accumulations through a large multi-floor clean-up of facility and process equipment surfaces. The problem was compounded by the explosive nature of the dust which required specialized clean up techniques.


Upon completion, the client had reduced their exposure to potential catastrophic primary or secondary explosions. They had improved their operation and maintenance procedures, increased hazard awareness and improved overall efficiency of their process equipment and fugitive emission control.

3/Occupational Exposure Assessments



A large manufacturing facility that manufactures industrial size separators and other components was concerned about potential hazards to its employees from its welding operations.


SMG designed and conducted an assessment of potential hexavalent chromium exposures and reviewed engineering controls at the facility. With the result of the assessment and exposure monitoring, the client decided to install a fume extraction system in the welding operation to reduce occupational exposures.


The assessment and recommended changes reduced potential exposures and improved the overall health and safety of employees.

4/Lead-based Paint



A number of residents living adjacent to a large water storage tower that had undergone lead-paint abatement were concerned about potential effects to their health. The residents wanted to be sure there was no problem with lead contamination as a result of the abatement.


SMG conducted an environmental and occupant exposure assessment to determine the lead exposure potential to the residents. SMG sampled the soil and used wipe sampling inside the surrounding homes to determine whether lead dust had migrated onto the concerned citizens’ property or within their homes.


SMG’s study and conclusions provided enough technical data to verify any impact to the property and eventually provide peace of mind to concerned residents.

5/Mold / Microbiological/Multi-Site Facility



Renovation of a large public housing complex was halted when significant mold was discovered. The managing architect had to respond to concerns raised by the contractor and provide a safe working environment.


SMG sampled and assessed the microbiological contamination throughout the old and damaged housing units and designed proper abatement procedures. SMG’s industrial hygiene staff conducted post-abatement inspections of surface areas and bio-aerosol sampling before, during and after abatement activities.


SMG’s fast track approach to specifying proper abatement procedures, and its participation in oversight, sampling and inspections put the renovation project safely back on schedule.

6/OSHA Compliance



A large international product testing and certification company was cited for OSHA compliance problems resulting from an employee’s exposure and injuries during the off-loading of chemicals from a U.S. shipping port. They needed help to reduce penalties and fines.


SMG evaluated the company’s established safety and health programs, its training programs and records and interviewed company officials. We prepared and presented evidence to OSHA that proved that the employer had taken appropriate steps to train and provide a safe work place. SMG participated in negotiations and conferences with OSHA to reduce the company’s liability.


SMG was able to show the company had policies and procedures in place and had conducted training to prevent the accident. Employee negligence was found to be the primary cause of the accident. The fine and citations were reduced and company policy and procedures were revised to highlight the importance of employee awareness and accountability.

7/Subsurface Vapor Intrusion



A large vacant manufacturing facility was undergoing subsurface remediation for volatile organic compounds. The owner was concerned about the potential for vapor intrusion to affect the safety, financing and marketability of the project.


SMG designed a program to evaluate the facility in accordance with a recognized ASTM standard on vapor intrusion. SMG conducted multi-point sampling for volatile organic compound analysis and evaluated the potential for vapor intrusion to adversely impact the facility.


The client was able to represent to potential buyers and lenders that the ASTM standard had been met and the facility did not have an unacceptable risk. The client was then able to successfully market the facility.

8/Toxicological Investigation (Occupational Toxicology)



A thoroughbred horse farm found a dangerous chemical had been used as a surface wood preservative in its barns. The farm needed to determine the actual danger to its employees, visitors, and to the high-priced horses kept on the farm.


SMG analyzed the potential risk to humans and the long-term potential effects on the million dollar thoroughbreds through a toxicological evaluation, field sampling, source evaluation and environmental condition assessment.


The farm was able to protect both people and horses by cleaning and removing the hazard through replacement of the pesticide containing preservative. Upon completion, the farm had revised its overall safety and hazardous materials policy. They took appropriate measures to reduce the use of hazardous products by contractors and subcontractors performing work on their facilities.