My name is April Johnson, and this past May I graduated from Sewanee: University of the South with a B.S. in environmental chemistry. I was invited to intern with SMG this summer to learn about environmental consulting and working in a small firm. The first day of my internship I was greeted by everyone in the office and shown where my work space (which happened to be a very spacious desk with a window and two monitor computer!) would be for the next couple weeks.

A benefit of a small company is that everyone in the office was able to come and personally greet me and answer  questions. Another benefit is that I was able to sit down with Karen Thompson, a geologist, and learn about Phase 1 site inspections.   She explained parts of the procedures and terms that I was unfamiliar with, such as CERCLA, “innocent purchaser”, and issues with liability. She helped me think about when and why a project would use Phase 1. The firm is currently working on a few Phase 1 projects, so I have been able to see how SMG and its clients practically apply all of the components (and work) that go into the investigations.

This internship has been a very hands-on learning experience. For example, I have worked on photo logs that will be included in the final report for some of the Phase 1 projects, and read through the EDR and final reports describing the site visits. I also accompanied Sara Smith, SMG’s president, and Sarah Carty, an Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) specialist, to analyze the site of an upcoming project.  I was responsible for photo documenting sampling sites. In addition to all of these opportunities I also reviewed water quality analysis data for accuracy, and really saw how much time and effort goes into just one step of a project.

I already feel like I have learned a lot from everyone in the office, and the hands on experience is invaluable. Needless to say this has been a busy first week, and a great introduction to environmental consulting. I look forward to what the next couple of weeks have in store for me!