SMG has been actively involved in the development of a nutrient TMDL on Floyds Fork, located in Jefferson County, Kentucky and surrounding counties.  Dan Hardin, an engineer with SMG’s Louisville office, has provided this update on the most recent Public Meeting held last Tuesday. The two hour meeting was divided into four presentations

1. Stakeholder Process Update

Dr. Lindell Ormsbee facilitated a discussion on the process of engaging stakeholders and soliciting feedback on possible scenarios to help manage/reduce nutrient loading to the watershed.  This process is independent of the TMDL development.  The stakeholder process has created focus groups to gain feedback on values, visions, information needs, and preferences on scenarios to manage nutrients. 

2. Biological Assessment Update

Lara Panayotoff of the DOW Water Quality Branch was the 2nd presenter.  Ms. Panayotoff informed that audience of the results of the 2012 biological assessment for nutrient impairment. 

3. Floyds Fork Nutrient TMDL Timeline

Clark Dorman, manager of the Water Quality Branch, provided an update to the schedule for the nutrient TMDL development.  According to Mr. Dorman, EPA will deliver the model to the Division by June 2013.

4. Bacteria TMDL Update

Andrea Fredenberg, TMDL Section of Water Quality Branch, provided an update on the status of development for the Floyds Fork Bacteria TMDL.  The Division has not yet posted the Floyds Fork Bacteria TMDL on the public notice website for public comment, but plans to do so in about one month.    

For more information on the Floyds Fork TMDLs, please contact or