This past Tuesday, August 20th was an annual milestone that most of us were probably unaware of – Earth Overshoot Day.  On Monday analysts projected that we consumed more and produced more waste than our planet can replenish or reabsorb.  The first day when this happened was December 29th in 1970, and Earth Overshoot Day occurred a few days earlier in the calendar every subsequent year since then.  According to analysts, more than 80 percent of the countries consume more than their ecosystems can renew.  What this tells us is that the impetus is on us to innovate and find creative ways to feed, clothe, house, and provide energy and clean water to a growing world population.  This is not a doomsday scenario, this is an opportunity!  We have a pressing need for the brightest minds to understand the local and global challenges and figure out ways to move forward.  As many developing countries move through their own industrial revolution, it should be the goal of Americans to develop innovative products and systems that are both cost effective and resource savvy to meet those needs.