In May of this year the Chemical Safety Improvement Act (CSIA) of 2013 was introduced into the senate. This bipartisan bill intends to reform the 37-year old Toxic Substance Control Act. It aims to improve the safety of American consumers and make sure that chemical substances are understood and managed.

The CSIA would propose significant changes to TSCA. Under the CSIA safety evaluations will be required for all chemicals and give the EPA regulatory authority to preempt state and local chemical regulatory requirements. The CSIA prioritizes chemicals for review through assessing risk, new chemicals must be screened for safety by the EPA, and it will give the EPA the authority to require testing if they establish the need for new data in safety determinations. This legislation directs the EPA to rely on existing information to avoid duplicative testing. You can read more at:

TSCA was passed in 1976 under President Ford. If passed the CSIA will be the first legislation to reform TSCA. The Center for Environmental Health opposes this act saying it has several flaws.

Will the CSIA accomplish its goal if passed? What is your opinion?

Smith Management Group will be presenting on this topic at the 2013 Kentucky Environmental Permitting Conference in August. For more information: