Last week, I joined telecommunication industry leaders, suppliers, and contractors in Nashville to discuss the state of the wireless telecommunication industry.  While much of the discussion centered on carrier spending projections for 2015, the focus shifted to the future build out and current struggles of small cell deployment.  It appears that future wireless build-outs will be more complex and more comprehensive as carriers look to add towers, but effectively fill in coverage gaps with small cells.

Interestingly, the FCC recently clarified that collocations on existing utility structures, like telephone poles, are not subject to historical review when older than 45 years and outside a historic district (FCC 14-153 para. 90).  Additionally, the FCC ruled that the modification of “base stations’ like small cell equipment (FCC14-153, para. 172) must be approved by State and local government if the dimensions are not changed (FCC 14-153, Section V).  While some municipalities are suing the FCC over this interpretation, it is clear that the FCC’s push for small cell deployment is in line with the carriers.

If you have any questions about how the FCC’s ruling might affect your project, please contact me at