The Water Health Portal, an online mapping application which allows users to visually explore the health of Kentucky’s waters, is now accessible to the public at .  This link also provides easy access to other portal applications, including the Kentucky Flood Risk Portal and Kentucky Watershed Viewer. The Water Health Portal is an easy way to identify the health of the streams in your area.  The Portal includes the results of the 2012 305(b) statewide assessment of water quality conditions and identifies whether streams and waterbodies are fully, partially, or non-supporting of their designations. The map also identifies Outstanding State Resource (OSRW) and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) waters.  Users can search by county, stream or lake, latitude/longitude, or street address. The Portal also has the ability to export your current selection as a map.

This resource is meant for use on a desktop computer or tablet, but not on a smartphone. Therefore, the site includes a link to EPA’s How’s My Waterway, a smartphone-friendly resource that provides similar information.